It was eventually bound to happen as do all inevitable things. She was not so much as ten seconds old, right after her first cries and just before they handed me a pair of shears to snip the umbilical cord that I knew this would happen and when it did, my heart turn to dust and fall into a deep abyss, wherein merciless flames would carbonize and solidify with an influx of oxygen infusing thus and raising this hapless conglomeration towards the sun, in a burnt offering to the eight million God/desses of man in an enflamed plea to gain one scintilla of wisdom, a scosche clearer perception as to how to proceed with this inevitable juncture of passage so that I may not fade or withdraw but instead act with courage in this hour of trial.
But here I stand before God and all, one man alone, trying like bloody hell to be the best father one imperfect human can be, fingers upon my sword, gaze unblinking upon the boy who asked my daughter to go with him to the homecoming dance.
If you don't understand the profundity of this moment, then you are obviously not the father of a daughter in this modern world or you're not paying the least bit of attention or your alcohol poisoning induced coma hasn't worn off yet or you're a childless idiot who died sixty bazillion years ago and doesn't understand the priorities of the particular humanoids in possession of something called a 'dick' (which almost always gets them into trouble) and who tango around and through the psychological booby traps of a 'Carmen Electra will fuck you silly if you buy this after shave lotion' kind of world and yes I know I'm writing in hideously long run on sentences but this is my kid we're talking about!
It's such a battle and I'm only at the fringes. She is one of the best people I've ever known and I'm her dad. I wrote the following poem for her years ago when she was a wee little blondie toe headed princess who would take my hand and lead me to wherever she thought I needed to go. Be it to push her on the swings or play with her dolls, she was the best playmate I ever had and now, thankfully, in spite of my worst wishes, she is growing up and becoming a lovely young woman. I only hope I can do as much for her on the father side of the equation.
For my daughter, in the future
In this forever
nothing lasted
Perhaps in the next
we will find
some permanence
Emancipation from change
that prevented your stay
in my life
but not in my heart
The hair of your head
shines radiant gold
shimmering halos
reveal your mischief
as the trials and dreams
of a young girl
Looking back
from this now
at a future unpassed
do I relish your dance
and your voice
Angel wings
create breeze
and kiss my cheek
as you pass
like the days
too soon gone
Thank you for reading.
Hug those little ones for as long as they'll let you.
All my love always,