Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Prayer I Hope They Would Say For Me If I Were Them

I often lose patience with the impending apocalypse and tell it to shit or get off the pot.  There has always been a door swinging ajar in the breeze, between this world and the next, through which many dear souls have fallen. Much to my seeming demise, I sometimes find myself as alone as when I entered this existence, to battle the demons of my own concoction. 
There is no one as eternal as everyone. The destruction of my life will seek refuge in the next, mending the wounds inflicted upon the soft armor of my soul in interim heaven, until I am ready to forego my wings and tread once again amongst mankind. 

One night while waiting for Kelley to come home, I was sitting in the back yard and writing. I heard a terrible car accident on the main road leading into our neighborhood. This is the poem I wrote later that evening.

Many sirens howling
in one moment
then suddenly stop
more follow in the next

I hear her voice.
Thank God she is home.

For if it were her
who met with the tragedy
befallen upon by some other
my heart would spiral and fall
destined to rupture.

I pray for whoever
loved the person for whom
the sirens responded
the same prayer
I hope you 
would say for me.

By God
It will be all right
there is no wound 
you cannot heal
there is no death
that separates lovers
not time, space or confusion.
You will grow old together
if not in this life
then in another
when their eyes 
will turn the corner
lifting the veil
igniting memory
in the smallest of ways
your heart will sing 
beyond choirs you can comprehend
the cycle will start
as if it never had quelled

A light in the blackness
will assure you of this.
The kiss that consumed
will resume.

At least in your eyes
at least in your thoughts
at least in the time
given on this orb
I wish you 
the illusion of solace
until the dance of eternals 
finds you swept
by the arms
of the love
too soon removed.

I thank you, as always, for reading.
All my love,

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Vanishing Man

There was an arsonist running amok in my small rural hometown of Hobe Sound FL during the first half of 1969. Many acres of woodlands and modest homes were consumed in his wrath. Lawn sprinklers were placed atop flat, tar papered rooftops to protect against floating embers from spreading the devastation. My grandparents 50th wedding celebration was interrupted when a large brush fire was started a scant hundred yards behind my uncle's house. 

One afternoon, a fire was started in the woods across the street from my elementary school. The fire chief locked down the school with all of us in it. I will never forget my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs Kinser, hugging me as I sat at my desk in the middle of class as I cried in terror. When we were finally allowed to make our ways home, we had to walk on the ditch side of the street, past a wall of fire trucks and the men battling a massive blaze consuming acres of pine trees and deep old forest. 

As I write this, I can't ever recall being as scared as I was that day. 

My father was 90 miles south in Miami at his new job. It would be several months before my mother and I would join him to live beneath the same roof, reforming our family of sorts once again. Until then, I would dread the fires during my waking hours and suffer night terrors in my sleep. I would watch my mother and my grandparents, who lived next door, grieve the impending separation  of us moving away from our very small town and close family to the bustling, corrupted metropolis of Miami FL, USA. Those were some of the most painful days of my small life.

We finally moved to the rental house to join my father. He would frequently take business trips for days on end. One weekend, as we often did, we went back to spend a day of so in the old house that still hadn't sold and visit with the family members that still hadn't healed from our separation. After dinner, my father announced that he would be leaving on another business trip and would be gone very early the next morning. 

I took my 8 year old self to bed and began to quietly (or so I thought) cry. My Mom opened the door and asked me 'What's wrong?' I replied, 'I need my daddy'. She walked out and I heard her say 'He needs to talk to you'.  He came in and asked why I was crying. I said, 'I need my daddy'. He said 'But I have to go away sometimes, it's my job. I have to make money to support you and Mom'. 'I don't care how much money you make' I said, 'I need my dad'. 

'But Max, it's my job'.

'Then go ahead and leave'

The next morning, he was gone and I never forgave him. 

Nine years later, I came home from my job to find him face down on the floor in his bedroom in the throes of a massive stroke centered in his brain stem from which he would never recover. He was to be blind and mostly paralyzed for the rest of his days. 

The doctors in the ER said that I saved his life. Late that same night, April 25, 1980, his brother, my uncle David told me how proud he was of me for behaving as I did under such circumstances and saving his brother's life. At that moment, I was in too much shock to even speak. I just dropped the phone on the kitchen counter and went back to sit on the sofa and stare at the carpet. 

When Dad eventually regained a fraction of his speech and a very few coarse motor skills, he cursed me from his bed for keeping him conscious by slapping his face and yelling for him to wake up while waiting for the paramedics to arrive. 

But he first woke from his coma and a nurse asked him 'Mr Grimm, do you know where you are?'
'In a hospital.'
'Do you know how you got here?'
'My son hit me. We don't get along.'

Many months later, he eventually came home. After an especially bad night, while sitting precariously on the edge of his bed he lashed out at me and said 'You should have let me die goddamnit.  I Hate You.'

I responded, 'I'm sorry you feel that way because I Love You.'

There was a very long silence. I think the old brass balled son of a bitch almost cried. 

Then.........'Jesus Christ, Max..... I'm glad you say things like that..... Good night'.

'Me too..... Good night, Dad'

I have no eloquent transition from the narrative to the poetic, except to say that, if you love them, there is no greater gift to give them but you. 

Every night 
I would wait 
for the vanishing man 
to appear at my door 
to chase the vampires away 
clenching a sword 
ravenous for battle 

A vicarious shutter 
rattled through my tiny frame 
as I projected my warrior 
aloft upon air 
gleaming steel blinding the adversaries 
blood of the vilest sort 
spilled in a victorious rainbow 
an artwork of proportion 
beyond scope and measure 
crystalizing the essence 
of glory and true self 
a reflection of the promise 
from which we were rendered. 

The older I grew 
the less did he vanish 
because he gradually ceased to materialize. 

Within my small skeleton 
a rupture appeared 
a crack turning to a fissure 
destined to become a valley 
a canyon 
an atom 
split deep in my heart 
bitter constructions 
were implanted hermetically 
forever to endure 
no matter the kindness 
bestowed upon me 

Never more at home
do I feel 
than in the cemetery at midnight 
cold winds and dampness 
enveloping my coat 
I leave offerings 
upon the tombs 
of the liberated 
wanting with excess desire 
the day I will come ready 
to leave this place 
of endless night 

Until then 
I wait for the vanishing man 
to appear in my dreams 
save me from myself 
cleansing from my head 
the virus implanted 
by his disappearance 
I pleaded and cried 
to his deafness 
he thus was struck blind 
set adrift 
on a pillow of ignorance 

I shall wait for his return 
in lieu of suicide 
my avenger, my savior 
has vanished from this existence 
I am suspended 
in waiting 
Much to my vexation 
time too slowly 
ticks by 
delaying our reunion. 

I curse the blank heavens 
and wonder their worth 
of praise or recognition 
and question their dwelling 
in anything based on wisdom 
in leaving a small boy 
lost in darkest oblivion. 

As always,
Thank you for reading this labor of love.
May many blessings be cast upon you and yours.
With all my love,

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Shit I Hate...

Ignorance loves Evil for his unabashed public displays of romanticism over her adorable foibles and blind trust in his precarious cognitions of what is right and what is love and what is wrong and what must be destroyed. 

Evil courts Ignorance, stringing her along, bending her over in the parking lot, bare assed and quivering at his penetration. Aware only of his whispering lies of permanence while oblivious to hordes of slack jawed gazers who sadly only aspire to replicate this rape. She cooing as he casts himself upon descending twisted knees, presenting her with a ring of lapis, azure and topaz while proclaiming eternity as the draperies draw closed and the music swells.   

The audience screams while crumpling playbills and hurling their disgusted spheres at obsidian stage curtains as the orchestra pipes exit music on the heels of masses hastily making their way back to the heartless rain swept streets awash with tarnished neon prism puddles.

And the audience/chorus sings while limping...

'Always the same story no matter in what theatre I find myself. All sonnets and arias end on the same crashing triad of regret, redemption and a slim hope of recompense. Why is comedy at it's heart so tragic and broken? Why is tragedy so goddamn funny? Especially when it happens to somebody else? But why when she deconstructed so painfully alone in mid song at the end of act five did I see myself in that waning spotlight?' 'Greasepaint smeared and breathless?' 'Eyes cast down and ashamed before her audience with only tomorrow to fuck it up all over again?' 'When will it end?' they fume, 'When will the stupid bitch ever learn?' they grumble. 'Fuck her and that stupid mask, when will I ever learn?' 'When does the playwright release us from circular narrative?' 

Probably not until some enflamed and inspired fallen angel like us, seeking redemption creeps onstage into their naked bedroom in the middle of act two with a gallon of acetone and a pissed off match and says 'Yea and Verily, Time Has Eclipsed To Rewrite This Fuck'd Opera!' then scraping a spark off the bed post thus fueling holy ignition. After that, the condoms come off and it's going to be hell all thrown to the wind. Be forewarned to pack an cast iron umbrella and a seat belt woven by Archangel Michael, but, until then, the forecast remains unchanged, circular and predictable with a 100% chance of forced anal sex in the parking lot.

If you're in need of a huge heap of righteous indignation and a grand smattering of profanity, the poem that follows has got your name written all over it sweetheart. You're welcome. 

The shit I hate
starts with a whisper
promising never 
to raise its pitch, volume or tone
to fade 
into the commonplace, 
everyday drone
never to disturb the fly
caught in the strands
it has woven
by flinging through space
silk trailing from behind
in a cascade of faith
across the darkness
pledging to
‘contain its venom’
preferring to
it lies to my face
silently serenading and siliquoizing
its concealed agenda.
Gathering a flock
of morons
opening a soup kitchen
charitably ladling ignorance
into their nonexistent cups
cracked with age
upon the edge
of their teeth
scraping a living
from the forgotten remains
of a cremated altar.

The shit I hate
has no shame
and a bottomless appetite
for the antique filigree
of outdated philosophies
clamored onto 
by the insane
the destitute
and the lame
who scramble to substitute
rumors in place of life
illusions for travels
and coma for dreams.

Hitler and his bitch
feasted on it nightly
reveled in its glory
tangoed, fornicated
and romanced it 

The shit that presents itself
in a plain brown wrapper
on a silver platter
a book of revelations
providing fodder
for masturbation
that pointlessly orgasms
into a void blue sky
preserving none
destroying all
not giving a shit 
or asking why

The shit that I hate
has its mission
and I have my gun
bomb parts
acupuncture charts
and a damn straight on dead aim
on the shit
that passes itself off
as cologne
frankincense, myrrh
the genuine article
the phrase complete 
without dangling participle
No flies, no salt
no addendum needed
The shit I hate
petulance of all
I hate you unto the ages

You’ve lingered too long
I know where your grave is
I’ve got a crucifix of almond
and a bullet of silver
I’m chomping at the bit
to disburse and deliver
your death on this earth eternally

I’ll gladly follow and fight you
to the next planet
you decide to disfigure

How calm I will stand
when I have
the blood of this shit
drip from my hand

Thank you as always, so much for reading this glad labor of my heart and spirit.

Don't take any shit from anyone. You're too good for that.
All my love always,

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Perfect Portrait of a Beast

I would be the biggest lying sack of bullshit on planet earth if I said marriage was easy. If wedded bliss and holy matrimony is to endure until death plus eternity, it's damn hard work. Even the most well paired, star kissed and harmoniously synchronized unions will eventually and repeatedly cross into the roiling storm laden latitudes wrought with financial hardships, jealousies, illnesses, miscommunications, sleepless nights, pain in the ass relatives, philosophical and geopolitical inconsistencies of unmutual opinion. 

It is further deluded bullshit to think that the sex is always great. 

Actually let me retract that last sentence. I don't know about any other long married couples, but for us sex is always great. Toe curling, sheet twisting, head board slamming, reverse cowgirl positioning, drowning moans of pleasure in pillows so as not to wake and mortify the children great. I wish the same for you and your beloved. 

But I digress.

Stay together long enough and you will see each other on the glorious best and unvarnished worst days of your shared lives. The former is a cake walk. The latter is when you find out how much you really love that person with whom you stood up in front of God and everyone including the pain in the ass relatives and said 'I do'. 

For me, on those days that inevitably erupt, threatening to shake the veracity of those sacred vows, I have but one conclusion as to how we survive all that has and shall transpire.  It is because I love her beyond explanation and comprehension. Because without her I would have died long ago or at least the part of me she occupies that completes my life would have long since atrophied and decayed. It is with this awareness do I with great joy accept to carry this bundle all the days of my life. No matter how steep and unpaved the road, no matter how unkind the elements. 

I know she does the same for me. 

One time, a very smart old man told me 'whatever you do, it's not work if you do what you love'. With the passing of years and fading of miles, I walk with her into a sunrise that slowing and certainly illumines one simple revelation. 

I love her, I love her, I love her......

I wish the same for you and your beloved. This poem is called 'Twin Flame'.

My ghost
will wait for her
no matter 
how many lifetimes
she must see
I will wait
ensconced in mist
dripping in misery
for her ethereal form
to join mine
so that when we ascend
it will be
hand in hand

I could not suffer
alone in heaven
without her
without her
I would seek release
back to the earth
along side her

In my wildest imagination
I cannot see
my eternal life
without her
without her
I am stained
without my love
I cannot die
in peace

Therefore a ghost
destined to rattle 
and thump
throwing relics
around the room
like a petulant child
until my twin flame
joins me
in silent embrace
on our bed
her head on my chest
my arm circling her shoulder
our breath sighing
longing for endless sleep
in this asana
limbs entwined
hair askew
a perfect portrait
of a beast 
primed to returned
to the right hand
of the throne

Thank you so much for reading these words.
Many blessings and all my love,

Saturday, October 1, 2011

We Let Play God

Were it all to end tomorrow, if I were to step in front of a train or off a cliff, splattered on the end of an assassins' bullet or quietly in my sleep from the grace old age and depth of sweet dreams, upon my ascension, looking back before turning away to face the oncoming hereafter, I strive now to have one observation, to look at this life and say; I did the best I could with this collection of blessings and demons. 

I hope to have been a worthy friend, husband and father, to have written some good words and painted some good pictures. I've danced with the shaman, endured and survived tragedy, been the conduit for miracles, blessed by lamas and consecrated by bishops, stood center stage before standing ovations, been drawn back by my guardian angels from the hand of my own undoing and somehow found the courage to defend and persevere when all around was injustice. 

If this life, abruptly, right this moment, ended. I would leave happy. I've known true love. We created beautiful children. Realizing that I am supremely imperfect and learning to love myself nonetheless is among my greatest victories and fount of constant nurturing and attention. Striving day by day to apply the same acceptance of myself to all of mankind and history. It is a life's work that will never be complete but I'm doing the best I can. 

The first images of the poem that follows were inspired by the David Bowie song 'Always Crashing in the Same Car' and subsequently egged on by memories of encounters with various people over the years that I came in time to realize, much as I loved them, I could do naught else for them but to step back, leave them to their miseries, trials and ordeals and pray for them to arrive at what would be, for each,  their wisest and just conclusions. For as much as I wanted to help each of them, theirs was not my fight and this was the best I could do. I mean, fuck it, at the end of the day, it's all God or anyone can ask of us and not be disappointed at the results. 

I tend to my wound
as best I can
trying to find its source.
Cutting and salting the flesh
deeper each time 
crying out for those who ride 
in the car
that crashes
again and repeatedly again.
Glass that flew
innocent steel
turned into swords
against its will
coerced into destruction
then running away
from its unintended malice
quickened decay
and chivalrous relinquishment
to the former angel
who sat by God’s hand.

I feel for them
as I do for myself
except that I am not
soiled by time.
But perhaps I am
I ponder while bleeding
and clutching to keep
my soul for pouring out
and my ear to be turned
away into deafness
cast into trash
lining the alleys
streets and the doorways
encumbered and doting
homeless at home
lost inside
with the maniac
pounding the door.

Light extinguished
blue tarp draping
windows and walls
hushed from within
while the needle
stitches the flesh
back to itself
closing and simmering
this unlighted world
while I cut
just to see
the world within
the light
shrouded in darkness
the ridgid dissolve
and the power
of what lies beyond
when we leave all this
and return
back to his side
to his hand
away from the evil
we let play God.

As always, thank you so much for reading.
All my love always. Bless your life.