Saturday, January 28, 2012

Between Here and Ever After

Everyone speculated that the theatre was the only place the dear lady ever knew happiness. She could portray heroines and damsels whose lives were far removed from her tortured own, speaking verses crafted by poets and wearing fine garments from charmed wardrobes. On the boards of the stage, illumined by footlights, she would bow to the applause thundering from silhouetted masses who congregated night after night to see her and the company of actors weaving stories and playing make believe with graceful abandon. 

Those many years later, we could hear her deceased footsteps and muffled dialogue in the backstage hallways and dressing room in the late evenings after the show had ended and the audience dribbled out of the theatre and into the indigo washed nightscape. On rare occasions, she could be glimpsed from the corner of an eye sitting the the audience or in the wings during blocking rehearsals or a final tech run through. 

One night she appeared to two of us as we were exiting the darkened theatre. She stood within arms distance looking towards the front row seats just before center stage. She appeared to be in her mid 30s, chestnut hair spilling over her drooping shoulders, pale skin and dark clothes. She was as real were we except she emanated a blue green mist and was half transparent. Her beauty was classic but her sadness made her appear eternal and ageless.     

'We mean you no harm' I said, 'We just want to go home'. 

She let us pass by the stage, the darkened hallways, the chilled dressing room, out the back door and into the alley.

When the door slammed shut, rather than fright, I felt sorrow for the ghost. Remaining here on earth, in the theatre of her youth. An eternity of watching us rehearsing and performing while conjoining with the backstage shadows and dimmed spotlights etched the eulogy of her untimely death. Unable to find her way to the gates where her company of actors are within waiting for their missing ingenue. 

I have always hoped someday this broken spirit, like us on that night, someday finds the path through shadows leading her back home. Amen. 

light plays curiously
upon the architecture
in heaven

bending beams
into symphonies
like strands
of molten glass
weaving tapestries
carressing monoliths

prisms exploding
refraction shards
within quartz cathedrals
illumining reverent faces
of angels and ancients 
and the unspoken others
gathered together
in fellowship

liquid crystal mosaics
entwine with sun light
reversing darkness
from within

become sacred
the forsaken
now are
another finger
in the mudra
of Buddha

dawn rises swiftly
from below cloud vapors
dissolving orgasms
of moonplay
upon ocean tides
the dome of sky
bringing new life
to the eternal

facades of destruction
crumble and yield
to light
and its sister

slowly realizing gazes 
eventually eclipse
heaven over matter
ceasing deceased beliefs
dark void moons
from vacant altars
of all

these are the words
born in silence
from light
traipsing across
mirrored chapels
lining the crossroads
between here
and ever after

All my love,

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