Saturday, February 11, 2012

3 Valentines

I wish a very happy Valentines Day to you all. These are three valentines for three amazing women. 

1. Sweet Angel,

I wish I could have hugged you when you were a child, I would whisper from the future to you what you now know and of the peaceful warrior you would become. 

Your compassion is insurmountable, armor untarnished and free of affectation, your eyes inherited from the wizened and war torn heros who are since relieved of duty and in graceful repose, your palms are a stereo-print of mine. 

Dear lady, your footpaths will lead you to Valhalla, your hair dancing in the breeze untangling the sadistic arrogance that attempted unsuccessfully to beat the magic out of you. I have cried an aeon of oceans for you and what you have conquered since before we knew each other in this life. It was not until we finally met that I came to the see the eternity of how much I missed you and how much I love you.

2. Sweet Bear, 

We unfold our future to manifest my promise. To be the best prince I can be despite my chinks, to love you beyond our humanity. If I could find you on a dark night of the soul predating our history, I would tell you that I will always be here, no matter the fleeting moments and dark imaginings of anger or regret. Because for all the disasters that may befall, you and I have been blessed with what so many have forgotten they possess or ever learn to acquire.  As it has been tattooed on my skin 'The greatest of these is Love' and wear it because of what your presence in my life has taught me. 

I love you and wish for your company in Heaven. 

3. Little Girlie, 

You granted me my greatest wish; the chance to be a father. For all of the diapers and sleepless nights, it is nothing compared to what you have endured from me as I learn each day, sometimes clumsily finding my next foot steps, of how to be the dad I want to be. 

You are becoming someone who I am humbled to have fathered. You amaze me each day with your art, humor and kindness. Yours is an undeterred spirit you have yet to discover and I am in awe as I watch you find your wings and venture every day a bit higher and beyond these walls of trees and ceiling of sky than you dared to go the day before.

I thank God for not to have to wish in futility for a time before our lives together when I could have told you the beautiful soul you are and the gift of your breath upon my shoulder as I hug you and say 'I love you sweetheart. Sweet dreams.'

All my love, always and forever, your brother, your husband and your dad.

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