Saturday, June 23, 2012

We, the Invisible


Poking the full moon

with the tip of my sword

she cries at my provocation

weeping upon waters

drizzling clouds

fertile grounds

for reclamation.

The moment of birth

snatched from this earth.

Devildom hides in pacification.

The lawyers true test

of equilibrium rests

with Peter and the saints

religiousness taints

the sweat drawn

from acquiring wisdom.

Arrows and scorns

obscuring vision.

Blithely they cry

and turn a blind eye

to the sound of horns

from the kingdom.

Lightning flash by

in thunder they diein ignorance of bells

and the angels who ring them.


It is perhaps when things go askew is when I begin to realize the depth of radioactivity of these powers. When all is flowing like a swan in flight, Bruce Lee in slow motion is when I am oblivious to the siddhis, occult transmissions, gifts of the magi that I have brought upon myself.

The old chestnut 'Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it' applies more so nowhere else than in the world of one chooses and is chosen to live their life as that of a practicing occult magician. An intrepid explorer of the mysteries, psychonaut, shaman long beyond dabbler, armchair observer or Harry Potter fan. the word 'occult' is probably one of the most misunderstood terms in our language. After all these years of personal exploration, denial and re-immersion, I may now be at the beginning of understanding the worlds and purpose of the unseen realm known as magic or magick or what ever you wish to call it or how you wish to spell it.

Especially when, after last night, something goes wrong. Like a whipsaw blade that backfires and ricochets off a sap knot, the energies let me know that I am not as smart as I think I am. When I burn my hands on the candle flames, drop the incense burner or spill the chalice of wine, it is not a sensation beyond aggravation but one of supreme and utter failure. It is a small and subtle reminder of how disastrously wrong ones personal universe could swerve if not properly respected and tended to.

To paraphrase a passage from one of the ancient grimiores....

 ...we who practice magic are no smarter, no more gifted and privileged than those who do not. We are prone to the same pitfalls, depressions, ills and tribulations as those of the non-magical persuasion. The only difference between us is that we realize the closeness of a world inhabited with beings beyond that of our own. We can access them for guidance and assistance on our journey through this life. However, what we make of this realization is ultimately our choice. Do we help ourselves and others to be better and wiser people or do we delude ourselves with unrealistic expectations and overblown egos? Do we turn away in disheartened disappointment and disgust when the results of our rituals do not match that of our initial plans? Or do we come to accept, like all smart ninjas, we do not really control anything but our own actions and responses to whatever the world presents to us? Or do we turn into bitter sons of bitches, cynical to all that we were once blindly faithful? Do we extinguish the candles and incense, put away the the daggers and chalices into drawers to be forgotten, drink our wine from non-sacred vessels and replace our cakes of light with cool ranch Doritos? Do we put a TV upon what was once an altar, turn on a Harry Potter dvd and say 'Yeah what a bunch of awesome bullshit that is? Or do we choose and re-choose to learn from it all time and time again?.........


Witchcraft moon

on the heather shining

as if it is day.

Devils and angels fight for a seat

at the perimeter of the circle

casting roses and curses at its boundary.

Flashing of swords

describe a cry

for mercy from Heaven

and repentance from Hell

binding the seals

of spirits ancient

from time immemorial

shattering the division

of earth and sky

God and Man

witch and queen

warrior and heathen.

Burning the leaves

of the snakes tree

swirling the wine

of these ways

we the invisible

fly and feast

with the gnomes

in their dreams.

We appear beside

the wounded in battle

and fling forth the miracle

that confounds the Leviathan earthbound

and sails with Ra

on the ocean of day.

We light the torches and sing

silent words in unseen languages

of the chariot

the eye and the stars

in a circle

around the head

of a Christ

unknown on this earth.

Whether you believe or not (I have seen too much to not believe), I wish you             all my love,

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