Saturday, July 30, 2011

By The Grace

Looking myself in the eye for the last time in a mirror strewn with cocaine, straw deep in my nostril, inhaling sharply, I stopped in mid snort and said ‘you know what, I’m done’. Perhaps it had something to do with my partner in crime saying something about the deplorable conditions in coca leaf processing plants. Like how rats sometimes fall into the vats of coca leaves and the poor motherfuckers who work there don’t give a shit if you snort ground up rats. Quality control in cocaine manufacturing it seems is somewhat lax. I said, ‘you finish it pal, I’m done’. He thanked me profusely and snorted away like there would be no tomorrow.

We walked outside into the ridiculous July humidity of a South Florida midnight. Jittering and babbling, we chain smoked and talked about the future. Plans and dreams, money and fame to be made, taken and ridden doggy style until the globe was awash with our ectoplasm and blood. Magnanimously we anointing the ill illumined huddled masses with our brilliance. Then the buzz started to wear off.

My heart felt like wet tissue being force fed from a fire hose. Capillaries in my brain were like tangled fishing line caught in a propeller. I got in the car and prayed I could make it home so that I could at least die in my bed. I needed Valium and a bottle of wine so fucking bad but I had no more money and barely any gas in the tank. The heavens in my skull were spinning cyclones and my rapid breath became pants pissingly shallow. I chanted repeatedly, why am I here again?, why am I here again?, why am I here again? Stupid, stupid, stupid. When are you going to learn? What is it going to take? 

I made it back to my parent’s house. Went to my room, took off my clothes, turned out the lights, wrapped myself in blankets I though may well become my death shroud and laid upon my bed. I closed my eyes and fell into a collapse between sleep and wake. I became aware of two warring factions of rats within the walls of our house. There had been much hatred and bloodshed. So many rat mommies and babies left without their daddies. So many rat limbs lost in battle. So many left to die in the rafters, cursing their forsaking thankless absent rat god, skeletons littering the spaces between layers of gypsum and timber. So many rat psyches tattered and raped forever as they bore innocent witness to the atrocities of war. It culminated in one universal rat epiphany:


I broke out of my trance with strangled scream. I smoked more cigarettes and fell into a fitful sleep. Therein I do believe I then met the Devil. Not just my own demons, but the Devil as it appears when it wants to consume each one of us, in a form most personally seductive and beautiful to its object of prey at a given moment. Somehow I found the strength in that moment to not become Satan’s midnight snack and consequent morning shittings.
Somehow, in spite myself and addictive tendencies, I found the truth.

After many years, I wrote this poem about that night. About the lover and friend I lost to that evil drug. It is called ‘By The Grace’

The night
the rats
in the walls told me
it was time
to stop doing cocaine
came just before
the morning the Devil
taunting me in a dream
in which she tried
to seduce and intimidate
but I fired back
with the 23rd psalm
at 4:15 a.m.

Just before breakfast
the marsh was quiet
and the bible became my friend
on the day
that started too early
but began
almost too late
for my heart
to survive
my companions
failed suicide.

Her arms and her neck
I would cuddle no more
but speak
at a distance
to her ghost
that dwelled
within her skin
torn by ropes
unseen by all
except me.

I said
there but by the grace go I
and there she
goes away from me
with the coming of the dawn
the lie recedes
the dream
blends into day
and the night
thank God
is over.

Until next time,
All my love always,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

...a passing of vision...

I grew up in Miami during the 1970s. There were abundant supplies of cocaine, pills, weed, speed and angel dust. In the days of pre-AIDS awareness that stoned, anonymous and unprotected sex with strangers in semi private places was a common way to spend a Saturday night. Hell, a Tuesday morning or a Thursday afternoon or a Monday lunch hour for that matter. If a person, like, say, me for instance had a predilection towards bisexuality and curious nature of the realms of human consciousness, an overactive teenage libido, a naked contempt of authority, a deep belief that every last thing my parents ever said was wrong, wrong fucking wrong, well, it made for a very busy social calendar.
Somehow, I never spent any time in jail, caught any diseases or killed any significant amount of brain cells that haven’t been restored through my current practices of yoga, a very active devotion to magickal spirituality as well as a large and diverse group of family and friends that love me as much as I love them. It helps also that anytime I’ve ever lost sight of my blessings that a long line of people manifests before me and threatens to beat the living bloody shit out of me to help remind me of who I am and the grace of my life.

In my early 20s I got profoundly burned out on promiscuity and recreational chemical consumption. I wanted to meet the love of my life, my exclusive and monogamous lover, the other half of my heart, the part of my soul long missing. I began to pray. I prayed while sitting on the edge of my bed every morning and night for a year. She (or it very well could have been a he) finally came into my life one day. Today, July 24, 2011 is the 24th anniversary of my eyes first receiving her vision as she came around the corner in the arts building of Florida International University. Her big blue eyes were the first thing I saw and I forgot for a second to breathe. My life has never been the same since.

However, if I said that everything from that moment forward has been a neverending parade of hearts, flowers, unicorns and rainbows that would be a huge reeking hill of bullshit. To accompany and compliment the joys of her in my life, there have been some tough damn fucking times since then that would have split many other couples up. I could here start spouting off a list of those spaces in time, but those are stories not for now but for the future ruminations. But it’s those damn fucking tough times that in retrospect make me realize how special we are and what a blessedly fortunate son of a bitch I am. I've said this before, but it's the truth. The right prayers get answered. Not a day goes by that I don't say Thank God.

This poem is called ‘.....a passing of vision....’. Years ago, I was walking around our old house. The voice said ‘Go to your desk and start writing. No, you don’t need to first go get a cookie or a glass of wine or a cup of tea. You need to go to your desk, shut your big yap, pick up a pen and start to write.’ What resulted is below. I’ve voiced this in spoken word performances and used it in pieces of art. I don’t know if this is the best poem I’ve ever written, but it’s sure as heaven and hell, my favorite. I’ve never edited a word.

How blessed am I
that you should pass
through my vision
if only for a moment
in this speck of an hour
on the back of my life

The continuing deluge
the fervent maelstrom
for an instant ceases
and we are frozen
in mid dance step
on the edge of a roof
in the midst of turbulent night

If I may bless you
with my limited light
my soul will have grown
by simply knowing your silence
assured by your smile
across these miles of distance
that two strangers
know as a bridge
a blockade
and a simmering smoke
of a dream of past lives
on gas lit roads
with horses and carriages
that carried our lives
were too soon cut short
by the boredom of time
that forced us
to separate our embrace
that I promised would be eternal
but my aspirations towards eternity
and cajolings of God
fell short of my wishes
and ruptured my dreams
until now

Here you sit
with your hand on your face
and God
how I wish it were mine

Accept this, my love
as a crippled gesture
slicing the veil of eternity

The gaslights burned dry
and have been replaced with/ the fire
of electricity
while inside
the hammers and stakes
that oppress my vampire heart
have long since broken clean
at the shafts

For it is my love
that erases this blackness
the trials by fire
threats of the weary
and crimes of the tortured
could not distract
from my feverous life
 that pours like sweat
from my liquid soul

I keep you in mind
in the depth of my sleep
and each time I die
the dance resumes
as if it never had ended
while the roses I brought
and the wine that you chilled
dance in crystalline stillness
and the angels wonder
how a love such as this
could be so divine

Until next time, all my love,

PS. Before posting, I let her read this. She kissed me and said “I love you’.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Last Friday I visited the local office of the Department of Labor to reopen my unemployment claim. This will be the third time in two years. One consistent thing I notice every time I go there is the lack self-pitying, woe is me expressions on the faces of those filing claims. There is a sense of acceptance of their situations. Resolution and determination of iron is in the hearts and minds of my fellow unemployed brothers and sisters. There is a faith that we will survive and a realization of what is of true value. We are strong and will do what must be done. We save the whining and bickering to the politicians. It seems to be what they do best.

I wrote this while waiting in line.

Woman with four children
ahead of me
in the unemployment line
properly quaffed
for a day
at the office
she no longer
This is America
not the one
my father fought for
not the one
we learned in school.
This is the one
we stagnate in
for these four children
to rebuild
with clawless hammers
and broken
This is the America
we have come to love
to pledge allegiance
in all her malignancy.
Patiently waiting in line
for the surgery
to divide she and we
from the pox
that assails her.

For the record, politics from either side of the aisle gives me a splitting headache. They seem to be the source of our problems rather than a means for change. A friend of mine uses the term ‘Do-ocracy’ meaning if something needs to be done, do it. Someone needs help, help them. Don’t dawdle, don’t quibble, if it’s the right thing, do it. Just shut up and do it. While I’m tempted to skewer all of the corrupt politicians, lawyers and CEOs and release a profanity filled tirade, I’ll squash that ember. They say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We are all human beings and were I on the other side of the power equation, I don’t know if I wouldn’t become corrupt too. There is no us and them. We are all one. Beyond our eternal souls, all we have is each other. I just wish we lived with a system that was based on humanity and compassion rather than the zero sum game it is now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know, I know, I’ll go back to smoking my hookah now.

Independent vermin
snacking on smoked sturgeon
lying in court room
because they never heard
the real version

Goldilocks and her Grandma
on the stand for murder
got christened with a hammer
then the judge
called a holiday

In the court room most distressed
time had come to take the test
so I lifted up her dress
to expose her curly flintlocks

But the geometry of her cemetery
was to say the least contrary
to the expectations of the many
and disappointment of quite a few

The garden of Eden had been eaten
and the snake was within speaking
the masses were hastily retreating
because the carnival was dead

Insane minds formed a posse
nailed Jesus to the crossy
buffed and shined their lacquered vernacular
and discussed it over coffee

Righteous wimps on sinking ships
stormed the court room with effluvium
‘Stop this noise, give us our toys
and we’ll create a more perfect union’

Screaming turned to crying
rhetoric turned to whining
the insipid started lying
and the failed kept on trying

‘Squelch this nonsense’ cried the snake
‘This crap is more than I can take
this snowballing virus was never my intention
when I perpetrated the insurrection’

‘Please have mercy on my ears’
displace, I plead, my darkest fears
before the storm sirens begin to wail
before I swallow my own tail’

‘Stop please stop!’ he squealed
in beseeching tone
‘Have mercy on this earth
and leave my mother alone!’

Until next time,
All my love,

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My name is Max Grimm. It's a pleasure to meet you. If we've already met, it's great to see you again. 

This first blog is somewhat of an experiment. But then again, so is life.

It occured to me that quite a few people (and some I've known for a very long time) have no idea that I am a poet and writer. It is with this blog, I would like to share the words I love to weave. 
I hate like all bloody screaming hell to write about who I am and what I do in a third person self aggrandizing way. However, when my arm is being sufficently twisted to provide a writers bio, it goes something like this....

Max Grimm is a work in progress. Like his family, his art, yoga, the mountains, the ocean and he who created them, Max loves poetry as much as than the life which he has been graciously granted. Max has been a teacher, an actor, a video producer, a chef, juvenile delinquent, a printer, a scenic artist and lighting technician, drug addict, construction worker, unemployed, self employed, a husband, son, father, friend, artist, shaman, yogi and poet. Max received the gift of writing from his grandfather, a simple and gentle soul, blessed with a practical philosophy, kind heart and the grace to turn an every day phrase into a magical invocation. Aught else could come from Max's upbringing, but the ability to craft life's joys and sorrows (of which, there have been many) into lyrics, poems and tirades all intended to weave us closer together. To realize the mutual heart and soul we all share. Max has a great love of metaphors, run on sentences, impassioned improvisational performances and of the good fortune to share them with you.

What I do is write from the heart and soul. Sometimes the floodgates open. I can't promise in this blog I won't swear, talk about sex or say something this is going piss someone somewhere the hell off. I will however be honest. Be forewarned.  

If I may....

The initial spark for this poem came on morning of the first day of school 2010. I walked my son Daniel to the front doors of the building. After I commented about how big he was growing and kissing him on top of his blonde head, he walked away from me and into his first day of fourth grade. As I turned to walk through the current of humanity, it hit me like a vajra lightning bolt punching me squarely in the heart. I could always intellectually grasp the reality of parents dying, me growing older, my kids growing up and during the whole process we never really become the perfect individuals we envisioned in our youths. At the end of the day, we are who we are, and there is not a damn thing wrong with that. If we each do the best we can with what we have, fess up when we fuck up, give credit where credit is due, then that's about as perfect as us humans can be. Life's purpose will have been fulfilled.

It goes like this...

he will outgrow
his new pants
and the caress
of my hand
while crossing the street

She will grow
and find another man
to restructure her heart
my place
in her life
but I will remain
the man
who loved her first

I will grow
to be the person
I should have been
and come to love
the soul I was
when my father died

Throwing his pictures
all around the room
setting a fire
in the trash bin
that night
hoping to exorcise
my hell
and liberate his soul

Wounded soldiers
both of us
Though he
would spit on
my tour of duty
and rightly so
since he was the one
committing murder

only contemplating suicide

My mother, his wife
running rampant with bandages
spilling gauze tape
empty of promising words
our cheerleader vacant
due to her ills
the picture of portraits
somewhere in her youth

I am clueless and damaged
unable to decipher
these histories
and destinies
I know naught else
but to cry
and pray
for these ones
I claim not
to understand
but love
and sometimes wonder
if it is
to my detriment

Do they
or will they
ever remember
the spectre
who prayed for
and loved them?

My wife unaware
of who inhabits
her bedroom
of who kisses her neck
just before we make love

I incinerate
from within sometimes
like the fallen angel
I aspire to be

Someday my children
will outgrow their lives
and we will meet in heaven

What will they tell me
I did or said
to make them more compassionate
in their world
and what helped them
ease the grip
on their children’s hands
and ascend
towards the clouds?

Thank you for reading.

All my love,