Saturday, February 25, 2012

Regrets and Lesser Evils

This year will see many things. Not the least of which will be my 50th birthday. For the record, I'm really OK about it. But an anniversary such as this does bring with it a great deal of reflection and self assessment. All in all, I have to I've had a good life thus far. Even when factoring in the bad times, addictions, adversarial relationships, crises of faith and assorted injustices, somehow I find myself hovering around the half century mark adorned in a certain amount of valor and satiety as I ponder the next 70 years of my life on earth. 

I have accomplished a lot, most of which I'm either proud of or have learned valuable lessons from. I've met a lot of people, the large majority of which I love, admire and respect, the rest of whom have taught me tolerance and compassion. 

I married the love of my life and we have two astoundingly lovely children. This year will see our 20th anniversary and my little girl's sweet 16 and my baby boy's 12th. We may not have a large bank account but we have always have what we need. In January of 2011 a snowstorm of biblical proportion (at least by Atlanta, GA standards) shut down the city and we were unable to leave the house for several days. I could never have asked to be snowed in with a more lovely group of people. 

I have trod upon the boards of many stages, created lots of art and written volumes of poetry, prose, scripts and essays. I am a published writer, have run a half marathon, overcome drug addiction, had a solo art show, saved a couple of lives and walked away from more than a few battles with my head held high and hold very few regrets. 

Of these, my regrets are based in things I have done rather than things I haven't done. This, in my opinion, is by far the lesser of two evils. It is better, I think, to commit, regret, accept responsibility and ownership, atone, learn and move forward rather than sink into apathy and fear, never touching or venturing, regret and die unfulfilled and devoid of the knowledge of the experience life provides. 

The poem that follows is not based on any one person. It is a composite of many people I have known across this mosaic in progress of my life thus far.

She walked through
Times Square crying 
to me via cel phone

would have happened
if we had 
in school?
I always 
wasn't pretty enough
and that you
were out
of my league
if I asked
for a date
would laugh
behind my back
but here I am
after 14 years
reading your poetry
in bed crying
while he sleeps
and you
touch my heart
with your words

I regret
never finding
my courage
for never 
seeing myself
as you see me
for never
so much as attempting
and for this
I have failed
before even beginning

you have
talked me
off of the ledge
know not what
to do with the life
I abandoned
as it sits
before me
rocking and humming
glancing and wondering
when I will see
with it's light
and dance
with it's gift

All my love always, 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

For Daniel and George (and me, somewhere in between).

He looks more like his grandfather with each falling away day. Generating will and confidence, his feet dance over coals and betwixt shards, arabesquing and transcending above his tentative crawling of dissolving yesterdays. 

His voice becomes clear and profound, redolent of sweet lyric alternating with rapier sarcasm as his ever widening irises drink in the world before him, brimming with flights of constant decay and eternal blessings of conception of the next potential miracle. It, like he, attempting to understand their unfolding self's.

He holds my hand less and less these days. Preferring instead the adventure of his untold story as opposed to the tales and lullabies we once shared at his bedside. I am an echo of his grandfather as he is a repercussion of me. 

We would play in the tides, galavanting upon the carpet laid before incoming white caps of great mother ocean, crashing and ebbing amid seashells, deconstructed sun beams and flashings of porpoise fins across the far away surface concealing the depths beneath of great father time.

I was little
I sat 
at his

He taught me
the proper use 
of the compass
and protractor
correct applications
of the slide rule
finer points
of the ruling pen
elegance inherent
in the eclipse templates
of india ink
in the alchemy
of cartography

if you can map it
on paper son
you can walk
that bastard through life
and no son of a bitch
can prove you wrong

I have my map
and what do you have? 
you'll say
when the gap toothed 
stands there
and answerless
you can kick
his ass
in the goddamn ball sack
and be 
on your merry way
he said
when I sat 
on his lap
to properly position
a T square
gliding a 30 degree angle
astride its horizon
ink flowing seamlessly
from the tip
of my speedball
with a grace
I would not feel again
I danced ballet
on a big stage
when we conceived
our children
in sweltering midnights
when I knew
my love and I
had greater plans

A map
of our biology
that pierced the veil
the next world
and our children
would sit
upon our laps
guiding their hands
stroking their hair
of newborn eyes
blindly together
lines and patterns
from this world
to the next

son of a bitch
can provide
to their transcendence

in their way. 

All my love to you and yours,

Saturday, February 11, 2012

3 Valentines

I wish a very happy Valentines Day to you all. These are three valentines for three amazing women. 

1. Sweet Angel,

I wish I could have hugged you when you were a child, I would whisper from the future to you what you now know and of the peaceful warrior you would become. 

Your compassion is insurmountable, armor untarnished and free of affectation, your eyes inherited from the wizened and war torn heros who are since relieved of duty and in graceful repose, your palms are a stereo-print of mine. 

Dear lady, your footpaths will lead you to Valhalla, your hair dancing in the breeze untangling the sadistic arrogance that attempted unsuccessfully to beat the magic out of you. I have cried an aeon of oceans for you and what you have conquered since before we knew each other in this life. It was not until we finally met that I came to the see the eternity of how much I missed you and how much I love you.

2. Sweet Bear, 

We unfold our future to manifest my promise. To be the best prince I can be despite my chinks, to love you beyond our humanity. If I could find you on a dark night of the soul predating our history, I would tell you that I will always be here, no matter the fleeting moments and dark imaginings of anger or regret. Because for all the disasters that may befall, you and I have been blessed with what so many have forgotten they possess or ever learn to acquire.  As it has been tattooed on my skin 'The greatest of these is Love' and wear it because of what your presence in my life has taught me. 

I love you and wish for your company in Heaven. 

3. Little Girlie, 

You granted me my greatest wish; the chance to be a father. For all of the diapers and sleepless nights, it is nothing compared to what you have endured from me as I learn each day, sometimes clumsily finding my next foot steps, of how to be the dad I want to be. 

You are becoming someone who I am humbled to have fathered. You amaze me each day with your art, humor and kindness. Yours is an undeterred spirit you have yet to discover and I am in awe as I watch you find your wings and venture every day a bit higher and beyond these walls of trees and ceiling of sky than you dared to go the day before.

I thank God for not to have to wish in futility for a time before our lives together when I could have told you the beautiful soul you are and the gift of your breath upon my shoulder as I hug you and say 'I love you sweetheart. Sweet dreams.'

All my love, always and forever, your brother, your husband and your dad.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Furnace Wherein I Became a Diamond

Heroin was the most deliciously evil vagina I ever kissed. Sweet throes and rushings of fog and mist. Corpulent tides of bliss washing over my bedraggled corpse. We danced only once during the halcyon days of my misspent youth. I snorted her thinking she was cocaine, animal tranquilizer or something equally innocuous. I felt a rush of fear as if someone demon had injected acid into my psyche. Wrapped in the depths of her blankets, I was terrified I had fallen into a pit of whose depths I would never extricate myself from.  

I was a prisoner in her bed. She convulsed and squirmed, grinding her hips on my face, suffocating me with her multiple orgasms. For hours it seemed I was unable to move from the hypnotic poppy induced rape. A helpless victim waiting for the business end of her concealed dagger to lodge between my ribs and bullet from her twisted leperus boyfriend hiding in the closet to make double damn sure this latest fool was spent and deceased. 

When I emerged from paralysis and fitful dreamtime, she had already put on her clothes, sprayed perfume on her cunt and left a calling card at the foot of my bed. I was astounded not to be dead, terrified of how much I loved her torture and how I would in a heartbeat give my life to have her kill me again. 

I never invited that bitch back into my bedroom again.


The furnace wherein
I became a diamond
became littered with 
shedded skins
of the torturous me
inverse sadist
who found consolation
in the smell of burnt flesh
thirst quenched by bloodlettings
from invited rape
provoking nocturnal emissions

I possessed the grace and shame
to extract these delights
only from myself
the self-medicating patient
I gave freely to my darkened self
circumambulating windershins and deosil
poison around my heart, life and brainstem
preparing the fuse lighting 
for a grand alchemic display
of suicidal fireworks
concocting a cauldron of bile
duct taped with nails 
shot from my eyes
splinters of my mind
with a kiss of bone shards

I’d show those bastards
how bright I can fucking shine
igniting the sky
with a cascade of damnation
raining iron and fools gold
down upon their shriveled heads
no one to save them 
or me
from this wrath
except me

When the day came
to take an axe to the furnace
the bomb finally exploded
in silence 
as I gazed into a mirror
while in the throes of LSD
the infant was birthed
releasing the corpse
I had been carrying

Peter Pan died that night
and Tinkerbell
could not have been happier
because I finally killed the fiend
who threated to smash the mirror
that I crawled out of
to prevent the infection
of the sky 
above the world
that so richly deserved 
to be unpoisoned
when the boy 
would lie upon the grass
that first springtime
gazing above asking

To this day I still don't know how I made my way out of that terrible patch of shit. Miracles happen.

All my love always,