Looking myself in the eye for the last time in a mirror strewn with cocaine, straw deep in my nostril, inhaling sharply, I stopped in mid snort and said ‘you know what, I’m done’. Perhaps it had something to do with my partner in crime saying something about the deplorable conditions in coca leaf processing plants. Like how rats sometimes fall into the vats of coca leaves and the poor motherfuckers who work there don’t give a shit if you snort ground up rats. Quality control in cocaine manufacturing it seems is somewhat lax. I said, ‘you finish it pal, I’m done’. He thanked me profusely and snorted away like there would be no tomorrow.
We walked outside into the ridiculous July humidity of a South Florida midnight. Jittering and babbling, we chain smoked and talked about the future. Plans and dreams, money and fame to be made, taken and ridden doggy style until the globe was awash with our ectoplasm and blood. Magnanimously we anointing the ill illumined huddled masses with our brilliance. Then the buzz started to wear off.
My heart felt like wet tissue being force fed from a fire hose. Capillaries in my brain were like tangled fishing line caught in a propeller. I got in the car and prayed I could make it home so that I could at least die in my bed. I needed Valium and a bottle of wine so fucking bad but I had no more money and barely any gas in the tank. The heavens in my skull were spinning cyclones and my rapid breath became pants pissingly shallow. I chanted repeatedly, why am I here again?, why am I here again?, why am I here again? Stupid, stupid, stupid. When are you going to learn? What is it going to take?
I made it back to my parent’s house. Went to my room, took off my clothes, turned out the lights, wrapped myself in blankets I though may well become my death shroud and laid upon my bed. I closed my eyes and fell into a collapse between sleep and wake. I became aware of two warring factions of rats within the walls of our house. There had been much hatred and bloodshed. So many rat mommies and babies left without their daddies. So many rat limbs lost in battle. So many left to die in the rafters, cursing their forsaking thankless absent rat god, skeletons littering the spaces between layers of gypsum and timber. So many rat psyches tattered and raped forever as they bore innocent witness to the atrocities of war. It culminated in one universal rat epiphany:
I broke out of my trance with strangled scream. I smoked more cigarettes and fell into a fitful sleep. Therein I do believe I then met the Devil. Not just my own demons, but the Devil as it appears when it wants to consume each one of us, in a form most personally seductive and beautiful to its object of prey at a given moment. Somehow I found the strength in that moment to not become Satan’s midnight snack and consequent morning shittings.
Somehow, in spite myself and addictive tendencies, I found the truth.
After many years, I wrote this poem about that night. About the lover and friend I lost to that evil drug. It is called ‘By The Grace’
The night
the rats
in the walls told me
it was time
to stop doing cocaine
came just before
the morning the Devil
taunting me in a dream
in which she tried
to seduce and intimidate
but I fired back
with the 23rd psalm
at 4:15 a.m.
Just before breakfast
the marsh was quiet
and the bible became my friend
on the day
that started too early
but began
almost too late
for my heart
to survive
my companions
failed suicide.
Her arms and her neck
I would cuddle no more
but speak
at a distance
to her ghost
that dwelled
within her skin
torn by ropes
unseen by all
except me.
I said
there but by the grace go I
and there she
goes away from me
with the coming of the dawn
the lie recedes
the dream
blends into day
and the night
thank God
is over.
Until next time,
All my love always,
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