Thursday, July 14, 2011

My name is Max Grimm. It's a pleasure to meet you. If we've already met, it's great to see you again. 

This first blog is somewhat of an experiment. But then again, so is life.

It occured to me that quite a few people (and some I've known for a very long time) have no idea that I am a poet and writer. It is with this blog, I would like to share the words I love to weave. 
I hate like all bloody screaming hell to write about who I am and what I do in a third person self aggrandizing way. However, when my arm is being sufficently twisted to provide a writers bio, it goes something like this....

Max Grimm is a work in progress. Like his family, his art, yoga, the mountains, the ocean and he who created them, Max loves poetry as much as than the life which he has been graciously granted. Max has been a teacher, an actor, a video producer, a chef, juvenile delinquent, a printer, a scenic artist and lighting technician, drug addict, construction worker, unemployed, self employed, a husband, son, father, friend, artist, shaman, yogi and poet. Max received the gift of writing from his grandfather, a simple and gentle soul, blessed with a practical philosophy, kind heart and the grace to turn an every day phrase into a magical invocation. Aught else could come from Max's upbringing, but the ability to craft life's joys and sorrows (of which, there have been many) into lyrics, poems and tirades all intended to weave us closer together. To realize the mutual heart and soul we all share. Max has a great love of metaphors, run on sentences, impassioned improvisational performances and of the good fortune to share them with you.

What I do is write from the heart and soul. Sometimes the floodgates open. I can't promise in this blog I won't swear, talk about sex or say something this is going piss someone somewhere the hell off. I will however be honest. Be forewarned.  

If I may....

The initial spark for this poem came on morning of the first day of school 2010. I walked my son Daniel to the front doors of the building. After I commented about how big he was growing and kissing him on top of his blonde head, he walked away from me and into his first day of fourth grade. As I turned to walk through the current of humanity, it hit me like a vajra lightning bolt punching me squarely in the heart. I could always intellectually grasp the reality of parents dying, me growing older, my kids growing up and during the whole process we never really become the perfect individuals we envisioned in our youths. At the end of the day, we are who we are, and there is not a damn thing wrong with that. If we each do the best we can with what we have, fess up when we fuck up, give credit where credit is due, then that's about as perfect as us humans can be. Life's purpose will have been fulfilled.

It goes like this...

he will outgrow
his new pants
and the caress
of my hand
while crossing the street

She will grow
and find another man
to restructure her heart
my place
in her life
but I will remain
the man
who loved her first

I will grow
to be the person
I should have been
and come to love
the soul I was
when my father died

Throwing his pictures
all around the room
setting a fire
in the trash bin
that night
hoping to exorcise
my hell
and liberate his soul

Wounded soldiers
both of us
Though he
would spit on
my tour of duty
and rightly so
since he was the one
committing murder

only contemplating suicide

My mother, his wife
running rampant with bandages
spilling gauze tape
empty of promising words
our cheerleader vacant
due to her ills
the picture of portraits
somewhere in her youth

I am clueless and damaged
unable to decipher
these histories
and destinies
I know naught else
but to cry
and pray
for these ones
I claim not
to understand
but love
and sometimes wonder
if it is
to my detriment

Do they
or will they
ever remember
the spectre
who prayed for
and loved them?

My wife unaware
of who inhabits
her bedroom
of who kisses her neck
just before we make love

I incinerate
from within sometimes
like the fallen angel
I aspire to be

Someday my children
will outgrow their lives
and we will meet in heaven

What will they tell me
I did or said
to make them more compassionate
in their world
and what helped them
ease the grip
on their children’s hands
and ascend
towards the clouds?

Thank you for reading.

All my love,


  1. That was amazing, Max. I got all misty eyed.
    Thank you!

  2. beautiful, open, honest and raw. Love you my friend, always!
