Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cursing A Blue Streak At Jesus

I was in therapy and on Xanax over the shenanigans and goings over my stupid job at a toxic and dysfunctional company (who I'll call the '9th Gate of Hell' Inc.) run by petty liars, sloppy drunks and bullies that I had given way too much of my time, energy and consideration. Fortunately, part of my psyche was about to extract itself to observe my beleaguered mind from an analytical distance as it went through a full blown depression and sustained fits of anxiety.

This was exacerbated by a very clear awareness of my history and subsequent triumphs over addiction, abuse and injustices that led me to a severe disappointment in myself for letting this meaningless job and insignificant company get to me as badly as it did.

I observed my mind mapping out my suicide. It indulged in research of the Samurai ritual of hari kari and tales by Carlos Casteneda of the ancient shaman diving off cliffs to be suspended momentarily in midair before being absorbed into the upper world to be reunited with ancestors and ancient intelligences. I did yoga every morning and tantric magick every night in hopes of lifting my self from these ugly depths and persevering until I could extricate myself from this daily sludge and misery.

I would flee to my self constructed temple night after night, strip naked and chant over circles of prayer beads and diagrams of the universe scrawled upon parchment with concoctions of sacred herbs and olive oil. I would be driving in the car and observe points north on the road of groves of trees and secluded underbellies of bridges that I would include as points on the map where I would sleep for the night when it came time for me to leave my family and begin my sojourn to find my final place of self induced rest.

I watched myself compose in my head the letter of departure and apology to my children more times than I can approximate. As far as my wife was concerned, I observed myself reasoning that it was the lesser of two evils to fail her as an invisible corpse than as a burden of a broken soul polluting her home from day to day to day and on into infinity for the rest of our lives.

In short, I was worth more dead than alive and in death I could so much more easily work the magick I've embraced for so long with a deftness and greater finesse than I ever could while trapped in this snare of human flesh. I could finally be free to be the angel and magus I ultimately aspire to be. The reward of my death would culminate in an ultimate good for us all. It made perfect sense. Suicide would lead to Buddhahood. The dissolution of my earthbound sufferings would lead to my ability to bestow the blessings upon those I love that I could not were I to remain alive.

From a distance I watched my thought processes sinking deeper into a pit that my soul kept rooting for us to climb out of.

My sleep in those days was severely fragmented and the division between night and day was dismissed. I began to go outside at 4 in the morning and perform Kriya yoga meditations that I had been advised to do at such a deep and silent hours of the morning otherwise known as the Amrit Velum or the time when the veil between heaven and earth is the most thin.

I sat and breathed as I had been instructed with my fingers configured in the appropriate mudras, my eyes closed and focused upon the inner space between my eyebrows while chanting in Sanskrit for divine guidance. There came a moment in the proceedings that I became fatigued and disgusted with this apparently futile practice and I opened my eyes. There before me, I bullshit you not, was Jesus. He was holding my hand and had suspended a golden rope from my heart to his and I said...

'...dude, seriously, fuck off, no way...'

...and he in a misty,diaphanous, indomitably silent manner telepathically said...

'...dude, yes way....'

In the mornings that followed, the visions of Jesus continued to appear, I took that fucker to task every goddamn day.

'Some of your followers scare the shit out of me!'

'These hypocrite cocksuckers have smeared your name to shit!'

'When I was a kid, they told me to pray to you and I got left holding an empty bag full of shit like a fucking sucker!'

'They said you could defeat the devil and look at this shit on CNN!'

'And what about what happened to my father?! Explain THAT one! You fucking false lying cash generating machine preying upon the stupid and the scared! Yes I've seen your ad campaign with a spear in your side and drooling spittle upon a cross, blood streaming from your temples oooooh aren't you fucking great and I'm supposed to fall on my knees in compassion for you because your fictional ass died for us.

Fuck your lip servants!

You! Prove it! Because blind faith has done nothing for me except get me one step closer to being killed sometimes by my own hand! Which is why I wrote you off years ago!

If you are descended from a God of compassion, your ass needs to buck and do a hell of a lot better!

If you are the spawn of a jealous God who hates all forms of its image removed and reinterpreted through the lens of humanity instead of a God who celebrates all forms of his creation, I'm separating myself from your ignorance and be called a heretic while waiting for the evolution of heaven to produce a God that this planet needs rather than you, you incompetent, useless fairy tale!'

Jesus held my hand and my heart and listened while I was crying and spitting and cussing his fucking ass the hell out.

One morning came when the tirades began to run dry and his ghost began to fade that I started to hear in small silent whisperings snowballing into cascades of the words

'Leap of Faith'

Not faith in Jesus or the church or religion or other man made apparitions, but faith in myself. Not to exorcise my demons, imprison them in a brass vessel and cast with righteous vigor to the bottom of the ocean but rather give rise to a celebration of thanks for the strength they require me to manifest to overcome them in order to rise above the oppression and begin writing the next chapter of my life. Because at the culmination of every battle, I always discover a strength I never knew I possessed and for that, I must take off my hat and say thank you to Satan.

I don't like you, you black evil piece of shit but I respect you and realize your purpose. Thank you for making me stronger. Now fuck off before I churn my guts, narrow my brow, consternate my irises, focus my lasers and kick your ass again.

So it came to be, on a balmy August morning, after many yelling matches and confrontations, industrial accidents and financial catastrophes, broken promises and transparent lies, ultimatums and bellows of...

...If you motherfuckers keep this this shit up the next thing you'll see is my ass walking out the door when I fucking quit!...

...with no prospects of future employment, I stuck a dagger in the heart of my employment, spilling its guts upon the unsealed concrete floor and cast my association with those terrible employers off the crest of the nearest cliff without regard for momentary suspension or whatever jagged rocks lay below in the quietest most unceremonious manner imaginable or with so much as a backward glance or the least bit of regret, then, now or any point in between.

In the days that followed I very easily weaned myself off of Xanax and thanked my therapist for lending me his kind ear.

Dr Ken,

Dude, seriously, thank you for letting me vent and run off at the mouth so that I could find the answer for myself.

9th Gate of Hell, Inc.

Thank you for reminding the of the importance of self respect and that the equilibrium of casting pearls before swine should be a strict equation of...



...and thank you Jesus. God knows that as a Christian, I'm nothing to write home about. I'm still not sure what happened during our early morning meetings. All I know is that you were there. Whether you came from beyond the clouds to sit with me or was the part of my psyche that removed itself from my head to observe this episode of fragility and projected a hologram upon the predawn mist, I have not a damn clue in the freaking world. All I know is that you were there. To whatever degree you were one or the other or a combination of both, I don't know and at the end of the day, I don't care. Just simply thank you.

All that matters is that there are things beyond comprehension that have our backs and will give us the shove we need to cast aside the constraints of history, preserve its lessons and kick down the doors of the next vessel of our eternity and proclaim in a loud voice...

'..I have survived, I have endured, I have learned and I have lost, I have thrived and I have died. I am your problem now. Teach me what I need to know! Quick! Before the world ends and we drag our regrets behind us to become pollution upon the walkways and spray painted obscenities blaspheming architecture in Heaven.'

As always, very humbly, I thank you for reading. 
Be strong and don't take any shit from those bastards. You're better than that.
All my love, always and forever, 

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